Welcome to
Life in all its fullness'
Homework - 17/05/24
Ready for Monday, please bring in the draft of the story you have chosen as one of your moderation pieces.
Use the links below or search for your video title.
Summer Term homework - lead up to SATs
Please use the tabs below to select the homework you think suits you best each week. There is no formal requirement for the amount that you do - though I'd suggest you choose 1 thing from each section. I have added enough so that you can do up to 2 challenges per week e.g. 2 maths, 2 grammar and 2 reading. But you might do 1 of each or double up on just the subject you know you need to work on.
You are getting really good at personalising your learning so that you are revising the bits that you need.
We are all so proud of you.
Miss Wood
Easter holiday homework:
1) Read every day
2) Write the draft of your dialogue story that we have planned this week. Remember lots of it must be spoken but that you must also advance the action.
3) Maths revision - complete 5 of the tasks
4) Reading revision - complete 5 of the tasks
5) Grammar revision - complete 5 of the tasks.
6) Take a look at the Y3/4 and Y5/6 spelling lists - put 2 words each day into a sentence (written or verbally) - make sure you learn the correct spelling.
Please note:
I want you to have a wonderful holiday. Remember what we have talked about in class:
Reading and spelling homework is for Monday-Friday excluding bank holidays.
Be creative with the 5 pieces for each subject - they should take about 10 minutes per task.
Miss Wood
If you'd like places to look for extra revision lessons you can use:
Maths Flex
Oak Academy (lesson videos and questions taught by a teacher)
Homework due 20/03/2024
Please look through your grammar and maths papers - take the time to really think about the mistakes you have made/ things you need to learn to improve your scores even more.
You have done yourselves proud this week. Well done! Results of the practises will come home on reports next week and I think you are all certainly on track for a treat!
Let's keep this up for the next 6 weeks.
You are amazing.
Miss Wood
Homework due 13/03/24
Since we have practise papers next week, please go through your corrections for your grammar paper as some final revision.
Choose and use a unit on Maths Flex you feel you need to revise ready for next week. You might choose:
area, perimeter and volume
properties of shapes
Have a wonderful weekend!
Homework due - 06/02/24
Maths - mental calculations. Watch the video and then click Next to view the activity
English - To develop our knowledge of the function of a colon
This weeks homework - due 28/02/24
Grammar - phrase or a clause?
Reading - 60 second reads - read the text in 1 minute and then answer the questions.
Maths - 4 operations reasoning
February half-term homework - Due 21.02.24
Reading homework -
Read, Read, Read each day!
Writing homework - to write the draft of your Antarctic explorer story.
Video - https://www.literacyshed.com/23-degrees-5-minutes.html
The Golden Compass (film clip)
Spy story
Quest (could be linked to your favourite myth)
A retelling of Shakleton's journey until the ship gets stuck in the ice.
You'll be bringing home your grammar and maths papers.
Please spend at least 20 minutes (if you need to!) on each one - focussing on the questions you got wrong and how you can learn to get them right next time.
Please then return your paper back to Miss Wood.
Also remember you need to complete the half termly topic challenge.
You have grammar, reading and maths SATs revision homework below.
Please also remember:
You can use Maths Flex as often as you'd like and will still be rewarded for this
You need to read each night and record this is your diary. The more you read, the better you will learn.
There is a half term homework project on Microbes
Half term project
This half term, your project is to create a microbe which can be displayed on our science board. Watch the video story about microbes. Then research a microbe e.g. paramecium, coronavirus, OR invent your own.
You'll need to include a model (some photo examples of drawings or ones made with creative crafts) and some bullet points about your microbe and what it does.
7/12/23 - 22/12/23
Please complete maths flex and the lesson on apostrophes below.
Your child will also be bringing their SATs practise papers home - please use the next 2 weeks - and even some time in the holidays to look through these with your child. (This is instead of English homework and Maths Flex unless your child is very keen and would like to do both!)
Miss Wood
Due 6/12/23
Maths Flex
English - please complete the learning on apostrophes.
Next week we will be looking closely at apostrophes for possession as this is what many of you are struggling to use correctly in your writing.
Due 29/11/23
Maths - active maths
English - please see the document below (no need to print - just write the sentences into your books)
Please complete Maths Flex
English: please watch the videos about de:de and some;others sentences (we have discussed these in school.) and write 3 of your own sentences for each.
The theme for the sentences is your choice: animals, sport, space...
Please focus on correct spelling and punctuation.
Maths homework - Maths Flex
English homework - Please research and make notes on Dame Floella Benjamin ready for our writing on Monday.
We will be writing an Introduction, Who is Floella Benjamin?, What happened to her?, What problems did she face.
Have a great weekend!
Maths homework is set via Maths Flex - please complete at least 1 task weekly.
Reading homework - read each night and record what you have read in your diary. Use Accelerated Reader to complete quizzes based on your book.
English homework can be found below.
Homework for the October half term:
Please have a great week but here are some ideas of things your children can be doing to keep up the learning practise...
Charge of the Light Brigade
Evacuee - Edith Pickthall
An Irishman Foresees his Death
I saw an Old General at Bay
War rhymes -
Dulce et Decorum Est
(Children's war rhyme) Underneath the churchyard, six feet deep, There lies Hitler fast asleep, All the mice come and tickle his feet, 'Neath the churchyard, six feet deep.
Who's that knocking at the window? Who's that knocking at the door? If it's Hitler, let him in And we'll sit him on a pin, And we won't see old Hitler anymore.
This week your child will bring home their first Y6 Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation paper and Maths arithmetic paper. Please help them to work through any questions they answered incorrectly - there is no set limit on how many as some questions may require research time, while others will be easily fixed mistakes due to children seeing the question style for the first time. I have attached the mark scheme so that adults helping the children know the answers! As the children correct, please encourage them to explain why their answer was not the correct one as this is the way they will learn best.
Go to www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
Username is 1st 4 letter of first name then 1st 4 letters of last name e.g. Sarah Bates would be sarabate
Maths flex password: Y6abc
School code: wwqm
Class 6 homework expectations:
1) Try your best
2) Complete your Reading, English and Maths homework each week (unless you are ill)
3) do extra practise if you need to (e.g. times tables) or would like to. You can use MathsFlex, Youtube videos or SATs guides for this.
4) If you need help, ask before it is too late.
Homework is due in on Wednesdays. If your homework is not in school by Friday, you may be asked to complete it at school.
There is no need to worry. All we ask is for you to try your best.
This week, your child will be practising and performing a WW1 or WW2 poetry composition by heart. The poem can be one they have practised for homework, in school or something they write themselves.
They will then need to record this and upload it to Dojo.
If you have technical trouble, just write a note in your child's diary letting me know they have performed it to you.