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St John's CE (VC) Primary School

Life in all its fullness'

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Vision and Mission Statement


"Life in all its fullness."

John 10:10


At. St. John's 'Life in all its fullness' means that we seek to create positive,  thoughtful and inquisitive children who believe in themselves, show respect, are independent and have resilience. Children are inspired to achieve their fullest potential in all areas: intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. St. John's is a Christian school, welcoming and inclusive of all faiths and none, at the very heart of the local community.


Mission Statement:


The school

St John’s will be a compassionate and safe school with a strong family feel, ‘educating for dignity and respect’, where all feel valued. It will be a responsive community, where new ideas can be explored for continual improvement. St John’s School and St. John’s Parish church will continue in partnership to celebrate our Christian heritage. Living ‘Life in all its fullness’ means that we look to the future enriched and nurtured by our Christian values. The school will be a key part of the communities of Keele village, the local area, the university, and the wider world, engaging with the internationalism of our students.



St John’s staff will contribute to the life of the school to the best of their abilities. Staff will make use of evidence-based teaching and learning and where there is a need we evaluate and amend our practice. The school and its staff will work in partnership to ensure the best training and development possible. All staff will aspire to develop the whole child in all aspects – emotionally, socially, academically and physically.



St John’s will be a school that produces deep-thinking, well-rounded, independent and confident children, who will be well-prepared for the future. Our children will have the highest levels of respect, behaviour and achievement. They will be considerate, reflective and kind to one another. They will be excited and enthusiastic about school and the range of activities it has to offer.

Parents, carers and wider family:

Parents, carers and the children’s wider families will be active partners in their education and the life of the school. They will support the school in its endeavours, and have high aspirations for their children, working constructively with the school to educate their children.



Governors will share with the school’s senior leadership responsibility for the strategic development and direction of the school. They will offer a critical and challenging voice, representing parents, staff, the community and the church, ensuring pupils’ best interest is kept at the heart of all we do.



From this, we plan to move forwards to what we want it to look like, for example:


  1. We plan to develop partnerships with Christian communities in other parts of the world, and with local organisations of other religions, in order to foster understanding and friendship
  2. We plan to develop our partnerships with parents and carers, to help people become more engaged in their child’s learning
  3. We plan to re-evaluate our learning behaviours and values to ensure our children leave able to succeed in the modern world.



