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Life in all its fullness'
Unit 1: Gorilla by Anthony Browne
Unit 2: Family Album
Unit 3: Leon and the Place Between by Graham Baker-Smith, Oz the Great and Powerful (2013 film)
Unit 4: Information - advertisements
Unit 5: Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit
Unit 6: Wisp: A Story of Hope by Zana Fraillon, Home by Carson Ellis Dreams of Freedom by Amnesty International
Unit 7: Poetry – creating images
Unit 8: Where the Forest Meets the Sea by Jeannie
Baker, Jungle Explorer by The Literacy Company
Unit 9: Blue John by Berlie Doherty
Unit 10: Formal persuasive texts (4 week unit)
Handwriting is an important skill for children to learn as they progress through school, as it helps them to form their thoughts and to look back on their learning in order to revise. Children in Y4 will not have a specifically timetabled lesson, as handwriting expectations will be modelled by staff across the whole curriculum.