Welcome to
Life in all its fullness'
The school aims to ensure that:
• Children’s needs are identified early, in order for interventions to be put into place at the earliest opportunity.
• Raise aspiration of all pupils with SEND, and those working with them, encouraging their ambition and success.
• Allow opportunities for all pupils to aim to achieve their full potential.
• Promoting children’s self-esteem and emotional well-being by helping them to form and maintain meaningful relationships.
• Outcomes are met through provision tailored to the pupils’ needs; taking into account the thoughts and needs of parents/carers and pupils.
• Provide Quality First teaching by expecting the highest possible standard of education for all pupils. Every child, irrespective of need, is entitled to Quality First Provision.
• Foster greater independence for all pupils, particularly for those with SEND.
• Ensuring needs are met of those children with disabilities/medical needs; for example, supporting access needs through accessibility plans and medical provision to meet individual requirements.
• Recognise the need for effective multi-agency collaboration; liaising with professionals, parents and pupils to build a strong foundation of provision.
Ensuring that the needs of children are assessed and identified and that the school works to provide appropriate support strategies. If additional specialist advice and support is necessary, the appropriate external agencies will be contacted.
• Providing a curriculum, which is accessible to the individual needs of the children.
• Making every effort to involve the child in decision-making about their special educational provision. This will be dependent upon the child’s age, ability and level of understanding.
• Valuing parents/carers views and contributions and keeping them fully informed in their child’s education in relation to targets on Support Plans. Parents/Carers will be made aware of ways in which they can support and assist their child, thus extending the partnership between home and school.
• Supporting class teachers, who have the overall responsibility for meeting the educational needs of the child. Ensure they are given advice, help and support and have the opportunity to undertake professional development training in relation to special educational needs.
• Monitoring and evaluating the SEN Policy.
• Teachers monitoring, recording the progress of and setting targets for pupils with special educational needs.
The SENCO at St. John's Primary School is Miss B Moulton. She can be contacted through the office on 01782 987140 or by email: office@st-johns-keele.staffs.sch.uk.