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St John's CE (VC) Primary School

Life in all its fullness'

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In autumn term the children will be studying WW2. They will look into the causes and effects of the war and what were the lasting consequences for Europe and the world in its aftermath. We will learn about the effects of war on men, women and children to widen our perspectives and deepen our knowledge.

In Spring term children will complete a topic on Crime and Punishment

By providing pupils with a broad chronological sweep of nearly a thousand years it makes a significant contribution to pupils’ grasp of the long arc of time.

We have concentrated on what motivates pupils: stories about criminals and how fairly they were dealt with. With all enquiry questions the object has been to open up informed debate, relating issues to the present day wherever possible.

In Summer term we will learn about the Kingdom of Benin

The Benin lessons are based on motivating key questions, designed to bring out the central historical skills and concepts - making deductions about the evidence we are left with. We study this indigenous African society before its encounters with Europeans, and at two other phases of Benin’s history, notably the 15th and 16th century, when most surviving Bronzes were made, and the late Victorian period within the context of the empire. This gives children the chance to discuss the impact of slave trade on the world in the past and present. 
