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St John's CE (VC) Primary School

Life in all its fullness'

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Y3 - Openness

Welcome to Openness Class!

Mrs Warburton




We strongly believe that your child will do better if we work as a team. If you have any worries or concerns about your child, please do let us know so that we are aware. You can send an e-mail to the office. Alternatively, contact us on the playground before and after school or a not in your child's diary if it’s a quick word you need; however, please wait until I have finished dismissing the children first so that I can ensure every child has gone to their adult.

Please read our newsletter with latest information and like our posts on our Facebook page.


Useful Information

  • Please send in a clearly labelled water bottle (containing only water) every day so your child can have regular drinks throughout the day. These can be filled up throughout the day if required.  
  • PE - Tuesday - (please send your child into school in their PE kit on this day). 
  • Reading books and diaries must be brought into school every day so we can take as many opportunities as possible for the children to develop their love of reading. 
  • English and Maths homework will be allocated each Friday and is due in the following Wednesday

Yearly Overview

Our Timetable
