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St John's CE (VC) Primary School

Life in all its fullness'

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Y1 - Trust

Welcome to Trust Class!

Class Teacher: Mrs Stubbs




We strongly believe that your child will do better if we work as a team. If you have any worries or concerns about your child, please do let us know so that we are aware. You may message on Class Dojo or, if you prefer, you can send an e-mail to the office. Alternatively, contact us on the playground before and after school if it’s a quick word you need; however, please wait until I have finished dismissing the children first so that I can ensure every child has gone to their adult.


Don't forget to stay updated by reading our weekly newsletter and engaging with our Facebook posts.



Useful Information

Please find below a few reminders to ensure your child is always ready for the day ahead!


  • PE day this term is Monday! The children should come into school in their PE kit.
    Please check the uniform policy for kit requirements.
  • Your child will need a clearly labelled water bottle available each day. As a healthy school we promote water only which children can refill as needed throughout the day.  
  • Reading diaries should be brought into school each day. Please reiterate to your child the importance of taking their diary out of their bag each morning and bringing it into class. Reading books will be changed each Friday, so please ensure your child brings their reading books in on this day.
  • English / Maths homework is assigned each Friday and should be returned by the following Wednesday.



Year 1 Timetable - Autumn Term


Year 1 Timetable - Autumn Term

What we are learning in Year 1
