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School Parliament

St John's School Parliament 


Our School Parliament Charter


The School Parliament will:

  •  promote the school Values
  •  be a voice for every child in the school
  •  be an architect for change- to make school the best it can be for everyone to thrive
  •  promote the British value of democracy, ensuring compromise, consensus and that decisions are made and respected by the majority,
  •  Publish an annual intention the details how the parliament intends to support learning in the classroom, improve the school environment and make a difference to the community


Instrument of School Parliament membership

The instrument of the School Parliament is:

  • School Parliament will be chaired by Head pupils (Year 6), who will be supported by a member of the Senior Leadership Team (Miss Moulton)
  • Candidates for Class Parliament member to complete a ‘Candidate Manifesto’ 
  • Elections for Class Parliament member will take place by use of a secret ballot
  • School Parliament will sit half termly
  • A list of School Parliament members (and their photographs) will be displayed on the School Parliament noticeboard in school
  • The ‘Annual Intention’ will be published on the School Parliament noticeboard
  • Minutes from every meeting will be kept in the School Parliament file
  • School Parliament members, School Parliament Charter, will be published on the school website
Annual Intention

An annual intention will be written at the start of each year and about what will be achieved, why this has been chosen and how it will be done. The annual intention will define what is intended to:

  • support learning in the classroom
  • improve the school environment
  • make a difference to the community
School Parliament members



The School Parliament members for the current academic year are:-

Y1-Madison and Isabella

Y2- Bonnie and Alisdair  

Y3-Harper and Tomos

Y4-Zara, Scarlett and Tyler

5-Emily and Evelyn

Y6- Freya and Alfie
