
Welcome to

St John's CE (VC) Primary School

Life in all its fullness'

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EYFS - Service Class

 A very warm welcome to EYFS



Your EYFS Team is:

Miss Hickman 

Anjela Fernando

Jackie Hawkins Farrow



We are very excited to share the adventure through EYFS with you and your child and we are proud to support their learning journey. This year we will explore, investigate and learn through play, led by the children's interests and curiosities. Each day there are new opportunities. adventures and learning in a range of exciting opportunities.


With your support the sky's the limit!





We believe that a strong relationship is crucial to any child's development and success in education so if you have any questions, worries or concerns about your child, please do let us know so that we are aware. Our office e-mail is Our weekly newsletter has all latest information, key dates and we will also keep you up to date on our Facebook page. 

Important Class Information

  • Please ensure your child has a filled (clearly labelled) water bottle in school juice please! We are a healthy school!
  • PE is on a Friday - please send your child into school with a clearly labelled PE kit in a small bag as we will be learning how to get changed for PE before starting our PE lesson.
  • Reading for pleasure books are changed on a Friday.     
  • No jewellery to be worn in school, including stud ear-rings.
  • We offer fruit every morning so you do not need to send your child in with a morning snack. 
  • Reading diaries will be checked on a Friday only. If you need to pass on a message, please contact the office. 
  • Milk is free for Reception children until their 5th birthday and then it is 30p per day if they would like it.
  • During warmer weather, please ensure your child comes into school wearing sun cream with a clearly labelled sunhat. 


Class Timetable
